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Unstoppable (Forehead Kisses #4)

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  Fallen Publishing


  Cover Design provided by Dinoman Designs

  Editing Services provided by

  Copyright © 2014 by Abby Reynolds

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN-13: 978-1494480585

  ISBN-10: 1494480581



  My phone lit up and started to vibrate on the kitchen table. It emitted a light that highlighted the room. My computer screen paled in comparison to the brightness of the phone. When I looked at the name, I sighed in irritation.

  It was Ash.

  It was a Friday night in La Jolla. The only reason he would be calling me this late was because he needed a ride. He was drunk off his ass and it was my responsibility to come get him.


  Reluctantly, I answered it, knowing I couldn’t shut him out. “Yeah?”

  “I need a ride.”

  What a surprise. “They have Taxis, you know?”

  “You’re better. And cheaper.”

  “Actually, I’m free.”

  He groaned into the phone, clearly having a headache. “You coming to get me or what, sis?”

  I could never say no to my brother even though he repulsed me at times. “Where are you?”

  “In the Gaslight. I’ll text you the address.”

  “At a party?”

  “Where else would I be? It’s what fun and cool people do on the weekends, not that you would know.”

  He always made a jab at my non-existent social life. I chose to ignore his words. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Make it five.” He hung up.

  I groaned then grabbed my keys.

  The thud of the base coming from the house could be heard even two blocks over. It was a better way of guiding me than my GPS. The curb was packed with cars and a parking space was hard to come by. I pulled my Jeep over then killed the engine.

  I called Ash. It rang then went to voicemail.

  Seriously? He was going to make me hunt him down?

  I called again. Like last time, it went to voicemail.

  I clenched my jaw then hung up. The last thing I wanted to do was be around a bunch of drunk college students. The beer would be overflowing and people would be playing beer pong. All the bedrooms would be packed with couples getting it on.

  I really didn’t want to go in there.

  I didn’t want to see anyone from class, and I just…didn’t want to be around anyone. I preferred my quiet house with my deadbolts and locks.

  After a sigh, I forced myself to get out of the car and head down the sidewalk. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to avoid anyone’s radar. I just wanted to get in and get out—nothing more.

  When I arrived at the house, a group of five guys were sharing a drag by the front door. One guy eyed me in the darkness, immediately setting me on edge. I averted my gaze then walked as fast as I could.

  “What’s the rush?” he called after me.

  I merged through the crowd of people in the living room. The stereo was so loud I couldn’t hear any of the conversations nearby. All the girls were wearing slutty outfits, showing their flat stomachs and long legs. There hair was perfectly styled, and make up was painted on their face.

  They reminded me of myself—six months ago.

  I moved past people’s shoulders and looked for Scotty.

  A girl holding a beer accidentally bumped into me. She was clearly drunk because she staggered a little. “Watch where you’re going, bitch.”

  I halted and stared her down. “Learn to walk, Bambi.”

  She rolled her eyes then returned to her conversation with some guy. He was staring at her chest the entire time, not even bothering to pretend he was paying attention.

  I just wanted to get out of here.

  I moved to the back of the house, but there was still no sign of Ash.

  If I didn’t love my brother so damn much I’d abandon him. But then visions of him drinking and driving came to my mind. I was too scared to lose him. Even though I hated picking him up, I’d do it every time.

  I walked outside and stepped in the back yard. A bong was on the picnic table, and people were gathered around it, taking hits. The pink smoke drifted into the sky.

  Where the hell was he?

  “Liam totally demolished that guy last week.” A guy was talking animatedly with his hands. His two buddies were beside him.

  The guy across from him wasn’t listening at all. He was staring at me, his eyes locked to mine. His dark brown hair contrasted against his hazel eyes. They were almost gray, an odd collection of colors. He was twice my size and at least a foot taller than me.

  I didn’t like him one bit.

  I turned my head then stepped away, looking for my annoying brother.

  I pulled out my phone and called him again. No answer.

  “I’m going to kill you, Ash.”

  “Hey. Looking for someone?” The guy staring at me came to my side, a cocky grin on his face.

  Get away from me. “No.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “You seem flustered.”

  I tried to stay calm but I was starting to panic. I felt cornered by this guy. I just wanted to be left alone, to move past his notice. I was wearing jeans and a light sweater. I purposely looked as unattractive as possible. “I have to go.” I dashed away before he could get in another word.

  “Shut the hell up.” Ash was clapping his hands while he laughed. “The Hulk could take Groot any day. Don’t even try to compare them.”

  A guy made his argument in return but I didn’t listen to it.

  I grabbed his arm. “Let’s go.”

  He flinched then looked at me. It took him a moment before he recognized me. “Livia?”

  “I’m here to get you…remember?”

  “Oh yeah.” He rolled his eyes then laughed. “Hey, how about we stick around for a little while longer? Maybe you could make some friends.”

  My eyes narrowed in irritation. “I came to get you and now I want to leave. That’s it.”

  “Chill,” his friend said across from him. “Don’t you know how to party?”

  I ignored him, keeping my eyes focused on my brother. “Are you coming or not? Because I’ll leave without you.”

  “Fine,” he snapped. He turned to his friends. “I have to go. My sister is a damn loser.”

  They laughed at his words.

  I knew better than to argue with him. When he was drunk, no logic came from his lips. I turned away, hoping he would follow me. When I headed to the back door, that guy appeared again. He leaned against the doorframe, staring me down.

  He was really freaking me out.

  I dashed inside without looking back.

  When he finally made it down the street and to the car, Ash was mumbling something I couldn’t decipher. We got into the car then slammed the doors.

  Ash ran his fingers through his short brown hair. “Seriously, what the hell is your problem? You used to be a party animal. You were the life of the party, drinking more than most men I know. You were actually fun to be around. Now you stay cooped up in your house every night, sitting in the dark. You’ve lost all your friends and you don’t even have a personality. What the hell happened?” He glared at me while
he massaged his scalp.

  I could never tell him what happened. Every time I thought about it, I got choked up and chickened out. He wouldn’t look at me in the same way. The vengeance would burn in his eyes and the rage would seep through his pores. Everything would be different between us. Even though my brother and I butted heads more than we got along, he was still my best friend. Actually, he was my only friend.

  I turned on the car, leaving his question hanging.

  He growled in irritation. “Fine. Be a pathetic loser. Like I give a damn.”

  I drove to his apartment in silence. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. The silence was killing me so I turned on the music. Anything was better than my thoughts.

  When I arrived at his place, I nudged him. “Wake up.”

  He stirred then blinked his eyes several times. He cleared his throat then slowly unbuckled his safety belt. “I fell asleep…”

  Yeah, I figured that out.

  He turned to me, giving me a dark look.

  I knew what was coming.

  “Livia, is there something going on?”

  I didn’t like lying to him, but I couldn’t talk about this. “I’ve just been under the weather.”

  “For six months?” he asked incredulously.

  “Maybe you like going to parties and making conversation with strangers, but I don’t. Just leave me alone.”

  “That’s bullshit. You’re the most upbeat person I know. I mean, you were the most upbeat person I knew.”

  “You should go inside.”

  He sighed. “Whatever.”

  “You’re welcome for the ride,” I snapped.

  “You know what I wish?” He opened the door but didn’t step out.

  Do I dare ask?

  “That you’ll be drunk off your ass then have to call me to pick you up.” He stepped out then slammed the car door.

  I stayed in my spot and watch him walk into his apartment. When the door was closed, I finally pulled away from the curb, heading back to empty house where I lived alone.



  The weekend was over and school was back in session.

  And I was bored.

  I majored in history but now I’m not sure why. I was fascinated by political, social, and economic affects on different cultures in history, world leaders and every war. Every period in time was more interesting than the next. But it was a lot of work, and most of it was tedious research papers.

  Talk about a snooze fest.

  Plus, the other general education classes were annoying. I didn’t care about sociology, psychology, or math.

  No thanks. I’ll pass.

  Now that the semester had started, I was back to waking up early and going through the motions. I worked in construction to pay the bills for now, and I was usually working through the night on the interstate and highways. The job was a little stressful, but I needed to make a living somehow.

  I was more interested in fighting the longer I watched Liam. He was the best of the best, and he was the best person to learn from. But no matter how much I built myself up and watched his every move, I wouldn’t be the machine he was without diligence and practice. I’ve been contemplating it for a while. I knew I could do it if I committed to it.

  But did I want to?

  After my last class was over, my phone vibrated.

  It was my cousin. Can you meet Liam in the parking lot?

  That was an odd request… Why?

  I forgot a book at home, but I’m stuck in class. Can you get it from him then meet me in the library?

  Am I your slave now?

  Liam needs to head back to the studio otherwise he would meet me himself.

  Of course I would do it. I was just giving her a hard time. It sounds like he’s not that interested in you anymore.

  Scotty, just do it. I’ll meet you by the tables.

  My phone light disappeared. I shoved it back into my pocket then headed to the parking lot. I searched for his truck then spotted him pulling up. He rolled down the window then handed me the book.

  “She claimed it was life or death.” He rolled his eyes.

  I grabbed it and looked at the cover. Latino Students and Teacher Biases. I cocked an eyebrow. “Sounds really important.”

  He shrugged. “She claims she needs it.”

  “Okay. I’ll take it to her.”

  “Thanks, man.” He rolled up the window and drove away.

  Keira and Liam were engaged but they hadn’t chosen a day for their wedding. Knowing them, I doubt they would have a ridiculous and expensive wedding. Honestly, I expected them to elope and just get it over with. That’s probably what I would do. But then again, I’d never been in a relationship and I never would be. What did I know?

  After walking to the opposite side of campus, I finally reached the library. After taking three flights of stairs, I migrated to our meeting spot. It was deathly silent inside. A few students were sitting at the computers, typing away. Keira was nowhere in sight, so I moved to a chair and sat down.

  I laid the book on the table then looked around.

  A few tables away, a girl was scribbling in her notebook.

  I eyed her hand and the pressure she was putting to the paper. I couldn’t tell if she was writing or sketching. When I studied her, I could barely see her face. She wore a Padres baseball cap, hiding most of her features. But I could see her slender neck and thin cheeks. Her brown hair was in a braid and hung over one side. Her shirt was baggy, and her jeans weren’t skin-tight.

  I wanted to see her face.

  Come on. Look up.

  She never looked up. Her focused was directed on the paper.

  Hot? Not hot? I hadn’t gotten laid this weekend and I was missing the release.

  Judging what limited features I could see of this girl, she was cute. But how cute? I didn’t fuck anything that wasn’t a perfect ten.

  Look up!

  I was growing irritated. The more she hid her face, the more obsessed I became.

  Unable to stand it a moment longer, I shoved Keira’s book off the table and let it fall with a loud thud.

  Her head snapped up and her eyes were wide.

  I took the opportunity and studied her face. Her artic eyes reminded me of the bluest part of the ocean. Her hair was in a loose braid, but the strands were soft. It shined like a sun deflector in a car window. Her cheeks were high and prominent, making her face appear hollow. Every curve reminded me of a supermodel. Her clothes were baggy so the goodies were hidden, but I was at master a judging a woman’s appearance. Even though her shirt was loose around her chest and her pants were baggy around her thighs, I knew she excelled in both departments.

  Her upper lip curved like a bow. Her mouth was parted slightly because of the disturbance, and I could see a small glimpse of her perfect teeth. Her lips were thin, but lovely to behold. Their pink color drew me in.

  She was the loveliest thing I’d ever seen.

  Why was she hiding herself from the world? Was it because she was hit on all the time? A girl with perfect features like that probably got hit on left and right. Maybe she had a boyfriend and didn’t want to attract attention. Whatever the case, I was going to talk to her. San Diego was full of pretty girls, but she was something else. I couldn’t believe I’d never seen her around campus before. She was definitely a woman I’d never forget.

  I scooped up the book from the ground then made my move.

  Her eyes were returned to her paper, but I could tell she was watching me out of the corner of her eye. Her face was averted, her baseball cap shielding her eyes and nose, but she couldn’t stay hidden for long. She tensed up noticeably. Her shoulders straightened and her hand gripped her pen a little more tightly. She behaved like I was going to mug her.

  I noticed how upright her posture was. Her back was perfectly straight and her stomach was tucked in. Her long legs were crossed at the knee, and she wore flip-flops, revealing perfect feet I wouldn�
��t mind kissing.

  She had my full attention.

  I looked at the paper in front of her. It was a sketch of a woman holding a flower. Even though there were no colors, the image was spectacular.

  “You’re taking doodling to a new level.”

  Her hand stilled and she didn’t make another mark. She never turned to me, staying still like a statue.

  Did I smell or something…? “Or are you the biggest procrastinator in the world?” I gave her a friendly smile, trying to make her comfortable.

  She closed her notebook, hiding the picture, and then shoved her belongings into a bag.

  Damn…what did I do? “I’m Scotty. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Bye.” She shouldered her bag then stood up.

  What the hell? I was perfectly nice to her. I stood up. “I didn’t mean to offend you. Let’s start over. I thought your sketches were impressive.”

  She finally fixed her gaze on me. Even though she wore a hat, I got a nice view at her perfect features. While she wasn’t unique in a specific way, she was gorgeous in an inexplicable way. Her eyes were guarded and she seemed afraid, but she also seemed strong. If I reached out to her, I had a feeling she would slap me across the face. The curve of her eyes was hypnotizing. They were big and beautiful. I could stare at them all day. “Leave me alone.”

  I’d never been rejected like that before. It was like she hated me, loathed me. She didn’t know a single thing about me but she was acting like I was despicable. All I wanted was a conversation, nothing more. “Geez, can a guy just say hi anymore?”

  “Say hi to someone else. I just saved you some time.”

  My lines weren’t always successful, and every time I hit on a women it didn’t always result in sex, but it had never gone south like this. “Can we start over?” I asked timidly. “My name is Scotty and I just wanted to say hi. Maybe I’ll see you around campus.”

  Without another word, she turned around and walked away.

  I watched her go, feeling like shit even though I did nothing wrong. I just tried to talk to her. Never once did I raise my voice or gawk at her breasts when she was talking. I didn’t touch her or get too close. And if she had a boyfriend, wouldn’t she just tell me? Why did she need to act like that?