Unstoppable (Forehead Kisses #4) Page 10
“Are you okay?” he whispered.
“I am now.”
His hand moved to my lower back and rested in the dip. His hand expanded across my entire back, making me feel small and tiny. He could crush me without trying. His fingers dug into my skin gently, making sure I couldn’t leave. His chest expanded against mine with every breath he took. For the first time, he showed his fear. During the entire confrontation, he didn’t blink an eye. The death threat was heavy in the air. But once I was in his arms, he became vulnerable.
“Did he hurt you?” The tone was in his voice. I knew what he would do if my answer was yes.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you for calling me.”
“Thank you for coming.”
“I’ll always come.”
I rested my face against his chest and closed my eyes, treasuring the touch between us. I hadn’t felt an embrace like this…ever. I could stay like this forever. As much as I hated to admit it, William scared me. I’d already been through something that killed my soul, and I couldn’t handle another episode. Why did these horrible things happen to me? It was like they sought me out. But Scotty made me feel safe, made me feel calm. No one in the world ever made me feel that way besides my brother.
Scotty pulled away but kept his arms around me. “I’ll kill him if you want.” His eyes conveyed his seriousness.
“No, you did enough.”
“But I will kill him if he ever comes near you again. He got off easy.”
I knew he wasn’t bluffing.
His hands moved to my hips. “What happened?”
“My parents set me up. I didn’t realize what was going on until it was too late.”
He took a deep breath but kept his words back. I knew he wanted to snap and say my parents were the scum of the earth. But he didn’t. There was no need. I knew what he was thinking anyway.
“Then what?”
“He wanted me to come home with him, and when I said no, he threatened to throw me in his car. He said some other things…he was a creep.”
“Why would your parents set you up with a psychopath?”
Because they hate me. “Probably because he’s rich.”
He clenched his jaw. “Money isn’t everything.”
“You’re preaching to the choir.”
He took another deep breath and his fingers dug into my hips for a second. Then he loosened his hold. When he dropped his hands from my body, I suddenly felt cold. I didn’t want him to stop touching me—ever. “Can I take you home?”
It was nice to be asked, not told. “Please.”
He walked to his truck then opened the door for me. He kept his eyes averted as I climbed inside. Then he shut the door and got into the seat beside me. The blue light from his radio shined in the car, illuminating both of our faces. I welcomed the silence as he drove. I was glad that horrific night was over.
“You shouldn’t talk to your parents anymore.” His hand clenched the steering wheel.
He was probably right.
“Does Ash know?”
“No. He’s sick.”
He pulled up to my house then killed the engine.
Together, we walked to my front door. His hands were in his pockets.
I stopped when we reached the last step.
He looked down at his shoes before he looked at me straight in the eye. “Good night, Livia.”
“Good night…”
He turned around and headed back to his truck.
I didn’t want to be alone tonight. As much as I hated to admit it, I was shaken up and scared. It was too similar to a horrific night I already experienced. I wouldn’t be able to sleep, to sit in this house all alone without being afraid. “Scotty?”
He stopped and turned around. “Yeah?”
“Do you…want to come inside?”
A distant light flashed in his eyes but then it disappeared. He slowly walked back to me, close enough to where we could whisper and hear each other clearly. “Sure.”
I unlocked the door then we walked inside.
Scotty immediately looked around, studying the way I decorated it. His eyes lingered on the paintings and photographs I had. When he saw a picture of me and my parents, he stared at it hard before he stepped away. “You have a lovely home.”
When we came to the living room, he noticed the large easel and newspapers on the ground. “This is where your masterpieces are created?”
“Yeah. I like looking out the backdoor.”
He nodded. “It’s nice.”
I stood across from him, my arms across my chest. “I feel weird asking you this…”
“Asking me what?” He stood perfectly straight, his body strong and tight. The gentle look in his eyes encouraged me to keep talking.
“I…I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
He didn’t react. Whatever he was thinking was a mystery to me. Maybe he was confused by the request. Maybe he misunderstood my meaning. “I don’t mind sleeping here.”
“You don’t?” I whispered.
“No.” He sat on the couch then leaned back. “It’s pretty comfy.”
Good. He didn’t misinterpret my meaning.
He stood up again. “Do you mind if I shower first? I didn’t have a chance.”
That’s right. He was training. “I’m sorry I ruined your session.”
“Don’t be,” he said immediately. “You’re always more important.”
I am? “But your trainer must have been upset.”
“I pay him, remember? He can deal with it.” He gave me an encouraging smile then walked into my bathroom.
While the shower ran, I gathered a blanket and a few pillows then placed them on the couch. I’d offer him my bed but I knew he wouldn’t take it. When he came out, he was just wearing his shorts. His chest was bare.
Holy shit…
He was built like a brick house. There wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere. His chest was wide and strong. Each pectoral muscle bulged out. His waist was slim, tight and tucked. His abdominal muscles were etched and defined. His hips were small, making his shirt hang a little loose.
My mouth actually watered.
Huh? Did he say something to me? “Yeah?”
“Do you mind if I have a glass of water?” He said it like he was repeating it for the fifth time.
“Oh yeah…sure. I’ll get it.” I turned away so I could hide the blush spreading across my face.
I was so distracted I accidently poured him a glass of vodka. Realizing what I did, I poured it out then filled it with water. When I came back to him, I handed him the glass.
“Thanks.” He downed half of it then made a face. “Is there vodka in this?”
Shit… “No…”
He shrugged then drank the rest of it.
Why did he have to take off his shirt? I was making a total idiot out of myself.
He put the glass down then sat on the couch. “Want to watch TV?”
“Sure.” I moved to the other couch, far away from him. I needed to keep my distance so I wouldn’t drool all over him. A rerun of Friends was on, so I left it there.
Scotty lay on the couch then pulled the blanket over his waist. His chest was still exposed.
My eyes kept casting glances at him.
I need to control myself.
The best thing I could do was just go to bed. “I’m tired…”
I handed him the remote before I headed to the hallway. “Do you need anything before I go to bed?”
“No, I’m okay. Sleep well.”
“You too.”
After I barricaded myself in my room, the image of his naked chest was burned into my brain.
I still had the message she sent me in my phone.
Help me.
Besides Keira’s stay in the hospital, I’d never been so scared in
my life. I had no idea what was threatening her. I didn’t know what was wrong. And every time I called, she didn’t pick up.
My heart almost gave out.
When I saw that asshole across from her, I knew he was scaring her. I didn’t want the details. I didn’t want to know what he said to her. I didn’t want to know anything.
Because I might snap.
She and I weren’t together. We were just friends. But she meant the world to me. And if some guy thought they were going to harass her, they had another thing coming. Anyone who threatened to hurt something so beautiful was my mortal enemy.
And I’d kill him.
Overcome with emotion, I stopped thinking and just acted. When I finally reached her my hands automatically moved to her waist. I circled her, touched her, and pulled her to me, needing the affection. My lips moved by their own will, and I did something I couldn’t take back. I kissed her forehead, something I’ve never done to anyone. It was natural and effortless. My body just reacted.
And she didn’t pull away.
She didn’t flinch.
She didn’t break down.
She let me hold her. And more importantly, she held me back. Her face rested against my chest.
That could have easily backfired on me. I could have made a bad situation worse. Luckily, it worked out in the end. Once I realized what I was doing, I dropped my touch.
Witnessing the whole episode helped me understand her better. No wonder she wanted to disappear from the world. She wasn’t just hit on. She was harassed. Guys didn’t take no for an answer. Her exceptional beauty was a curse. She never acknowledged her unrealistic perfection, but she couldn’t be completely ignorant to it. If she were, she wouldn’t try to look as unattractive as possible.
When she wore that dress with her make up on her face, she looked like a supermodel you would see on TV. Her legs were thin and toned, and her eyes really stood out. It wasn’t surprising that this guy was obsessed with her the moment he saw her.
I was just as obsessed with her.
When she invited me inside her house, I knew we reached a new level of friendship. She never asked me to do that before. And the fact she wanted me to sleep in her house, just down the hall from her, was the biggest compliment she could ever give me.
She trusted me.
The moment she asked me to stay over, I knew exactly what context she meant. The old me would have assumed she wanted sex, but with Livia, I knew that wasn’t the case. And I wouldn’t want my first night with her to be after such a horrific event anyway.
I was moved she wanted me to protect her. She could have called her brother but she didn’t.
She asked me.
And that meant the world to me.
Our project was over and we submitted our research paper. I hoped that didn’t end our time together. After the other night, I would be surprised if our friendship just disappeared.
We filed out of the classroom when the period ended.
“How are you doing?” I asked. I hadn’t stopped thinking about the piece of shit who harassed her.
“I’m okay.” She pulled her hair over one shoulder, exposing her neck.
I’d do anything to kiss that skin. “If you need anything, I’m here.”
“I know.”
“You’re okay sleeping by yourself?”
“Yeah. I was just a little shaken up but I’m fine now.”
I was disappointed but I hid it. “Did you still want to come to the BBQ?”
“Oh yeah. Sure.”
“Cool.” I kept my hands in my pockets so I wouldn’t grab her and hold her to my chest. “I can pick you up if you’d like.” I never made any assumptions with her because I didn’t want to scare her off.
“I’ll be there at four.”
“Well, I’ll see you later.” I hated saying goodbye to her. It was torture.
“Bye, Scotty.” She walked down the path with her bag over her shoulder.
Instead of turning a different direction, I watched her walk away, wondering if she would ever be mine.
I arrived at her house right at four.
She opened the door, wearing a yellow sundress. It had a white trimming. Her hair was in a braid and over one shoulder. Her face was free of make up, and she looked lovely.
She was torturing me.
“Is this okay?” She asked.
“You look perfect.” I probably shouldn’t have said it. It just slipped out.
“Thanks…” Her cheeks tinted a little. “I like your shirt. Your arms look nice.”
Now it was my turn to blush. “Thanks.”
She walked inside then grabbed her clutch.
I took the opportunity to stare at her back. Her dress had two straps, and it showed the skin of her upper back. Each of her muscles was defined. It was faint, but I could see the toned aspect on her tan skin.
I wanted to wrap my arm around her stomach and hold her steady. Then I wanted to kiss the flawless skin, tasting her. I wanted to move my lips to her hair and whisper something I was too afraid to say out loud. I wanted to feel her naked back against my bare chest. Quiet sighs escaped her lips, and she moaned gently for me, wanting me the way I wanted her. Her small body was petite compared to mine, but that made her feel safe. She knew I would protect her from anything and everything. A single hand could span across her back, giving me a good grip on her.
Shit, my mind was in the gutter again. “Yeah?” What did she say?
“Should I bring something?” She gave me a confused look, like she already asked this question.
“Uh, no. They’ll have plenty of stuff.”
“Okay.” She left the house then locked the door behind her.
I needed to get a grip.
When we arrived at the house, she studied the front yard. “It’s nice.”
“It’s Liam’s. Keira ditched me to live with him—not that I mind.”
She chuckled. “They’re really cute together.”
“And sometimes explicit.” It made me want to barf.
“Well, they’re in love.”
“They can be in love when I’m not around.”
“You’ve never been that way in front of her?”
I gave her a serious look. “I’ve never been in love before.”
She met my gaze until she finally looked away.
“But I always kept my personal life hidden from her.”
She didn’t have a response to that.
We walked to the door side by side. I felt the heat course through my veins. I know I said I was okay with just being her friend, but it was starting to get to me. I’d be satisfied if I could just hold her hand while we watched TV. Even a peck on the cheek would control the need inside me. I wanted her to be mine. I’d do anything to make her happy. Anything at all.
I walked inside without knocking.
Livia trailed behind me. The distant scent of her perfume came to my nostrils. I wanted to bury my face in her neck and inhale her scent. I wanted to take her to my bed and sleep with her, spooning her from behind. Sex would be great, but I didn’t want that from her. I wanted her heart.
We entered the living room then saw everyone outside.
“Wow.” She came closer to the glass. “That’s an amazing garden.”
“Keira has been doing it since she was little.”
“It’s breathtaking.” She stopped and stared.
I came beside her, letting my arm touch her. I’d been around her long enough to know she was being inspired. Her mind was artistically making a work of art. I wouldn’t be surprised if her new painting was of this moment.
Then she opened the door and stepped outside.
I followed behind her, a dog caught on her scent.
“Hey,” Keira said with a smile. She hugged Livia tightly, making sure she felt welcome. “Thank you for coming.”
“Thanks for havin
g me,” Livia said politely. “Your garden is truly amazing.”
“Thanks.” Keira blushed slightly.
“Liam and Keira are an old married couple who garden all day.” Bran rolled his eyes while he said it.
Livia ignored his comment. “That’s so sweet. I hope my husband and I will be like that someday.”
Husband? She said she had no interest in dating, but she imagined herself getting married? Did that mean her earlier statement had changed? That she could see herself dating someone…maybe me? Or one day she would be ready, but that day wasn’t now?
Maybe I shouldn’t overanalyze it.
Keira shot me a look then dropped her gaze.
Liam was working the BBQ so I stopped by and greeted him. “How are the burgers?”
“Good. We’re having teriyaki hamburgers today.” There was a pineapple ring on each one.
“Sounds good.”
Liam eyed me. “You’re bigger.”
“Yeah. That trainer has been kicking my ass—literally.”
He laughed. “You’ll thank him for it later.”
When I looked at Livia, Bran had cornered her.
Why was he so obsessed with my girlfriend? “Excuse me. I have to kick Bran’s ass right now.”
“Kick his ass for the both of us.”
I came to Livia and stood beside her, staring Bran down. I kept my words to myself because I didn’t want Livia to hear me claim her. It would probably make her uncomfortable.
“No, the Dodgers are way better than the Padres,” Bran said like he didn’t notice me. “And Denorfia is a joke.”
Livia rolled her eyes. “He’s on the Mariners now. Do you know anything about baseball?”
I was impressed she knew that.
Bran was tongue-tied. “Well, the Dodgers are still better.”
“When their players actually show up on time,” she jabbed.
Damn, she knew about that game too? Was she not the coolest chick ever?
Bran’s eyes turned serious. “Marry me.”
“Okay, knock it off,” I snapped.
Livia giggled then her cheeks blushed.