Unstoppable (Forehead Kisses #4) Page 6
“What took you so long?” Bran asked. “Making out in your truck?” The jealousy was in his voice.
“No,” Scotty said immediately. “Livia and I are just friends.” He pulled out a chair for me and waited for me to sit down.
Bran shook his head. “Friends…right.”
I sat down then Scotty sat beside me.
“We already ordered,” Liam said. “My fiancé was starving.”
“I understand,” Scotty said with a laugh. “I used to live with her. She gets a little crazy when her stomach growls.”
“A little?” Liam teased. He had his arm around Keira’s shoulders and he was giving her a smile.
Bran rolled his eyes. “Enough of that soap opera…Scotty, Amanda is staring at you.”
Scotty didn’t react. “Okay.”
Bran sipped his beer. “She’s coming over here…just a heads up.”
Scotty sighed deeply, like he was annoyed. The irritation moved into his eyes. His carefree and lighthearted attitude were now gone.
A skinny blonde came to our table, her eyes glued to Scotty. “Hey, haven’t seen you much, stranger.”
“I’ve been busy.” That was all he said. No hi. No how are you.
“My roommate is going to be gone for the night. You should come over.”
Wow…talk about slutty. She didn’t even lower her voice so the rest of us wouldn’t hear.
“I have plans.” Scotty drank his beer then watched TV, dismissing her.
“Um…are you okay?” Amanda continued to stare at him.
“I’m fine,” he said coldly. “I’ll see you around.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” Then she walked away.
When she was out of earshot, Bran leaned toward Scotty. “Are they always that clingy?”
I stared at Scotty, waiting for him to respond.
He didn’t.
“When you fuck as many girls as Scotty does, a few are bound to stick,” Tony said.
Scotty glared at him but kept his mouth shut.
I suspected Scotty was like my brother in that respect but I wasn’t sure until now. When he hit on me at the library, all he wanted was sex from me. I was right all along. I didn’t want to date anyone, but now I was even more convinced that nothing would happen between us. He wanted something from me that I could never give. Good thing we were just friends.
Tony lowered his voice. “Isn’t she the one you—”
Keira elbowed him hard in the stomach.
“Ouch.” He rubbed his ribs. “Shit, that hurt.”
She gave him a glare that clearly said ‘keep your mouth shut’.
Scotty was quiet for the rest of dinner. Everyone made small talk while they ate pizza. I didn’t have anything to say so I watched the game on the screen. Scotty did the same.
“Match?” Bran asked.
“Sure.” Tony stood up and headed to the pool table.
We all stood around while they sharpened their sticks and set up their balls.
I eyed Scotty but he never returned my look. I guess I saw him differently now. He was a pig just like all the others. He didn’t seem threatening or acted like he might hurt me, but he definitely wasn’t a gentleman.
Keira stood next to me while Liam and Scotty talked from their corner. “My cousin is a really good guy. Don’t let something in his past affect your opinion of him.”
I was caught off guard by her bluntness. “It doesn’t seem like it’s in the past.”
“Well, it is. Don’t judge him for it.”
“I never said I was. He and I are just friends.”
“Well, if you ever change your mind about that, just know he’s the greatest guy I know. He’s loyal, honest, and caring. I wouldn’t be alive right now if it weren’t for him.”
Wouldn’t be alive? “What do you mean?”
Her eyes darkened while she sighed. “When I was in high school, my boyfriend used to beat me. It got so bad that he almost killed me. My parents passed away so I had no one in the world to take care of me—except Scotty. He nursed me back to health for a year, and was always there day and night. He finally got me to leave my corner and get back out there. And because of him, I met my fiancé. He brought me back to life.” She sauntered back to Liam and moved under his arm, finding her rightful place next to his chest.
Scotty stayed on the other side of the table, not looking at me or speaking to me.
Scotty was right. We did have more in common than I initially thought. Keira had struggled through her darkest times, but she made it.
Maybe I could make it too.
At the end of the night, I texted my brother to pick me up. Come get me.
Have one of the guys take you.
You said you would get me.
Yeah, earlier. It’s almost nine now. If you’ve been with them all day you obviously had a great time. Ask Scotty to take you home.
I didn’t want to ask for help. And knowing he fucked every girl in San Diego grossed me out a little bit. Fine.
We walked outside then headed to the parking lot.
“You need a ride home?” Bran asked, coming close to me. “I don’t mind taking you.”
“Uh…” No, thanks.
“Is Ash coming to get you?” Scotty asked.
“Well, no…” Don’t make me drive with him.
“Then I’ll take you home,” Scotty said immediately.
Phew. Thank god.
“Whatever,” Bran said. “I have a nicer truck so you missed out.”
“Whatever you say, man.” Scotty walked to the truck then opened the door for me like last time. I stilled before I got inside.
When he got into the driver’s seat, he turned on the music but kept it low. “Where do you live?”
I wish I didn’t have to tell him. I liked knowing no one could bother me. I could give him my brother’s address but I didn’t know if Ash would be there. “I live on Sycamore.”
“I know where that is.” He left the parking lot and headed to the road.
We were silent on the drive home. Neither one of us spoke.
Scotty cleared his throat. “Thanks for coming out tonight. I hope you had a good time.”
“Yeah…it was fun.”
“If you ever want to hang out, you have my number.” His eyes were glued to the road.
He drove into my neighborhood until he reached my house.
“This is it,” I said.
He parked near the sidewalk then stared at the house. “It’s nice.”
He turned off the engine.
“What are you doing?” I blurted. My voice came out harsh.
“Walking you to the door…” He eyed me like I might break down into tears.
“Oh.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, feeling nervous. “Sorry, sometimes I overreact.”
“I’ve noticed.” He got out of his truck then came to my side. He opened the door and waited for me to get down.
I climbed to the ground then adjusted my cap, needing to do something with my hands.
He put his hands in his pockets then walked me to the door, staring at my house and the windows. “You live alone?”
“Sounds nice.”
“No complaints.”
We stopped when we reached my door.
Scotty stared at me silently, studying my face like I was a painting in an art gallery. He didn’t touch me, but his eyes touched my soul. I fidgeted in place, unsure what to do under his heated gaze. “I’m not seeing anyone right now.”
What did that mean?
“I know you probably think I’m a disgusting pig…a player…and frankly you’re right. I am. But…I’m not like that anymore.”
He shifted his weight, looking uncomfortable. “I’m just not doing that stuff anymore, just in case you were wondering.”
What should I say to that? “Okay…”
“Well, goodnight.” He walk
ed back to his truck, his back perfectly straight.
I walked inside then peeked at him through the blinds of my window. After sitting on the curb for a minute, he drove away.
Why did she have to look so damn cute in that baseball cap?
Her dark hair was high in a ponytail, and the silky strands touched the back of her neck. Her face was flawless with virgin skin, and her thin lips were slightly parted when she breathed hard. Her legs were toned and firm in her shorts. They were smooth and silky. I wanted to run my hand down them and feel the smoothness.
Her arms were petite and connected to her slim shoulders. But her chest was noticeable, especially against her flat stomach. She wore baggy clothes every time I saw her, but I could still decipher how she looked underneath.
And she was all woman.
Talking to her for the afternoon just made the situation more complicated. When she was doing something she loved, she was happy and carefree. She had a smile that was brighter than the New York City skyline. And when she laughed…I loved the sound. It was high-pitched and squeaky, but it was adorable. Wrinkles formed around her nose when she laughed, and I couldn’t help but stare. Her eyes were brighter, more noticeable. She was quiet and reserved, but I knew a spunky and upbeat girl was underneath.
And she was compassionate. When I told her my parents passed away, she touched me. She actually reached out and felt my callused fingers with her soft ones. Her hands were so small compared to mine. The moment we touched, I felt the longing in my heart. And I didn’t want to touch her in a sexual way. All I wanted was to hold her, feel her hand in mine for a little longer. I didn’t realize how desperate I was for intimacy until then. I had sex on a regular basis but it wasn’t the same. It was meaningless and empty. All I did was get off then kick them out of the house.
It made me want her even more.
Now she knew I was one of the biggest manwhores on campus. She was going to find out anyway, but I wanted it to be on my turf. Any chance I had with her was gone. When I told her I wasn’t like that anymore, I meant it. I wouldn’t sleep around anymore. I could change for her. Liam did it for Keira. It wasn’t even a struggle for him. It literally happened overnight.
And now the same thing had happened to me.
I’d never been this hung up on a girl. I’d seen pretty girls before but there was no comparison to Livia. All the women in the world had nothing on her. She was beautiful in a classy way, something that was nonexistent these days. She didn’t need to wear slutty clothes to get my attention. She didn’t even need to wear make up. She was perfect, timeless. The fact she purposely tried to make herself look as unattractive as possible and still outshined everyone in her vicinity was a testament to her innate beauty.
Why couldn’t I have the one girl I wanted?
At least she and I were becoming closer friends. I told her about my parents without blinking an eye. The only people who knew that were Keira and my buddies. I didn’t want anyone’s sympathy or pity. But I told Livia so she would know I had a dark past too, that I could relate to whatever it was that made her closed off from the world.
She was a huge jackpot and I was throwing in all my chips.
I showed up at the studio to meet with my new trainer. He bred Liam into the fighter he was now, and I needed the best. I walked into his office then knocked on the door. “Can I come in?”
“It’s open for a reason.” His voice was cold.
I stepped inside wearing my t-shirt and shorts. “I’m Scotty Strately. We spoke on the phone.”
“If you have an appointment then I know exactly who you are.” He scribbled in a notebook then closed it.
This guy was a peach.
He stood up from his desk. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go.”
“Aren’t you going to ask me to sign a liability form…?”
“Why? Are you a pussy?”
His vulgar words caught me off guard. “No…”
“We’ll see.”
He was an older man, in his late forties. But he still had a body made out of steel.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Tate,” he barked. He moved onto the mat then held up his hand. “Give me your best shot.”
“You forgot your glove.”
“I have a feeling I won’t need it.”
This guy was a jackass. I gave him my best punch.
He didn’t flinch. “Weak.”
I felt my face turn red.
He caught the look. “What? If you thought you were already the best you wouldn’t be coming to me, right?”
He had a point. “And you trained Liam?”
He laughed. “Trained him? That guy was a born fighter. I didn’t have to do much on my part.”
“We’ll see about that.”
He smirked. “Cocky, much?”
“I can be just as strong as him.”
He shook his head. “Let me save you some time. You’ll never defeat him. He’s undefeated for a reason.”
“I’ll prove you wrong.”
“Whatever. As long as you pay me I don’t care what you prove.”
I was starting to snap. “Are you a jackass to everybody? Or just the people paying your rent?”
He clapped his hands. “Now I know what your boiling point is. For what its worth, it’s pretty high.”
He was playing me?
“If you want to win, you need to control your emotions and channel them in the right way. That extra energy can be converted to adrenaline. And size doesn’t matter. Movement and strength do.”
I relaxed slightly. “Let’s get started.”
“Right to the point, huh? Remember, diet is just as important as exercise. If you’re eating McDonald’s everyday, this is all a waste..”
I took off my shirt. “Do I look like I eat McDonald’s every day?”
“Cocky again…”
Tate began training me, pushing me to new limits. I thought I was strong and quick, but I was quickly realizing just how weak I was. I had a long way to go, and I was glad I had a trainer that worked with the best.
We did weight exercises, agility movement, and sparring. Tate was older but never lost his speed and quickness. Like a snake, he could snap at me like I was a meal.
By the end of the two-hour session, I was exhausted.
“So, why do you want to be in the ring?” Tate asked while I pulled on my shoes.
“I have a lot of anger.”
“Anger that derives from where?”
Should I tell him?”
“I’m your trainer and your therapist. They are the same.”
I didn’t see the point in hiding it. “My parents passed away a few years ago.”
He nodded. “How?”
“A horrific accident…they were burned alive.”
“Then why are you angry? No one is to blame for it.”
But there was someone. “I wasn’t home…”
He looked at me sadly. “Survivor’s guilt.”
“The firefighters aren’t sure what caused it but…I was the last person to use the stove.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Scotty. You have no way of knowing if it was you. Just let it go.”
“And my cousin…was abused. She’s okay now but…I guess I’m still upset about it.”
He grabbed my shoulder and patted me gently. “Fighting might be perfect for you after all.” He stood up then put the equipment away. “I expect to see you here every day, even Sunday.”
“But football is on Sundays.”
He gave me a stern look. “During training, football doesn’t exist.”
I groaned, not looking forward to this.
When I went to class the next day, I was nervous to see Livia. Should I sit next to her? Should I act like she doesn’t exist? What does she want me to do? I wish I could read her mind.
I walked inside and immediately noticed her. She was wearing ye
llow shorts, and the color contrasted perfectly against her tan skin. They were thin and long, kissable.
Why did she have to wear shorts?
Against my better judgment, I moved to the seat beside her.
She looked at me, her face unreadable.
I pulled out my notebook and got my pen ready.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hey. How was your night?
“Good. How about yours?”
“It was okay. I had training so I’m a bit tired.”
She eyed my arms. “You look bigger.”
“Thanks. I’ve been working out like an Olympian and have been eating like a fat person.”
She chuckled.
Damn, I loved hearing that.
“Well, whatever you’re doing is working.”
“Thanks.” I was glad she noticed my body. I certainly noticed hers.
“Did you want to work on our project today?” she asked quietly.
The professor walked in then began the lecture. I was trying to focus but my eyes kept glancing at her perfect legs. She wore white sandals and her toes were painted pink. She had the cutest feet in the world. I never cared for feet or even looked at them, but I noticed hers. They were perfect, with a noticeable arch and delicately filed nails.
“You have cute feet,” I whispered.
Shit, did I just say that out loud? Fuck…
She turned to me, surprise in her eyes. “Thanks…”
Now she thought I was a weirdo, which I was.
When the class ended, she put her stuff in her bag then stood up. “I guess I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah.” I didn’t want to leave her side. I wanted to be with her all the time.
“Bye.” She turned around and walked away, leaving me cold.
I got to the library first and sat in the corner. My body was sore and I was exhausted. I was glad I quit my job. There was no way I’d be able to do both. Even if the fighting career didn’t work out, I had my savings to rely on. And I didn’t pay rent at the house anyway so I didn’t have a lot of expenses.
Livia rounded the corner then approached the table.
My heart pumped in my chest, making time slow down. She walked with such grace, like an Egyptian queen. Her back was straight and she kept her shoulders back, making her chest more prominent. She reminded me of a crane, so graceful and pure.